Images used as computer wallpaper are usually raster graphics with the same size as the display resolution (for example 1024×768 pixels, or 1280×1024 pixels) in order to fill the whole background. Many screen resolutions are proportional in a 4:3 ratio, so an image scaled to fit in a different-sized screen will still be the correct shape, although that scaling may impact quality. Common wallpaper resolutions are 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024 and 1600x1200.
Users with widescreen (16:9 or 16:10) monitors have different aspect ratio requirements for wallpaper, although images designed for standard (4:3) monitors can often be scaled or cropped to the correct shape without undue loss of quality.
Wallpapers are sometimes available in double-width versions (e.g. 2560×1024) for displaying on multi-monitor computers, where the image appears to fill two monitors.
Some display systems allow unconventionally-proportioned images (1:1, 2:1, or even 1:3) to be scaled without change of proportion, to fit the screen, whether it be 16:9 or 4:3. The image would be sized just large enough that one pair of edges touch the edges of the screen, but not all four, as this would unduly distort the image. In these cases, the system's "default" background color is visible around the other two sides of the image.
Another common option, particularly for images much smaller than the resolution of the display, is having the image displayed multiple times like a series of tiles. This avoids the distortion of scaling.
PNG and JPEG format are common. Some desktop systems, such as Mac OS (version 8.6 or later), KDE (version 3.4 or later), and GNOME, support vector wallpapers (PICT in Mac and SVG in KDE and GNOME). This has the advantage that a single file may be used for screens of any size, or stretched across several screens, without loss of quality.
Most display systems are capable of specifying a single colour to use as the background in place of a wallpaper, and some (such as KDE or GNOME) allow colour-gradients to be specified. Early versions of Mac OS and Microsoft Windows allowed for small repeating patterns to tile the desktop.
The first use of a distinguishable background in conjunction with overlapping windows was in an experimental office system, Officetalk, developed in 1975 at Xerox PARC on the Alto. Prior to that, the white backgrounds to overlapping windows (for example, in Smalltalk) could be difficult to distinguish from window interiors. The pattern used in Officetalk produced a 25% gray, using dots two pixels high to avoid flicker on the Alto's interlaced screen. The same pattern was adopted for the Xerox Star.
Apple used a similar gray background for their Lisa and Macintosh. However, since these machines had non-interlaced screens it was possible to use a less noticeable background pattern, formed from a simple 2x2 repeating pattern that gave a 50 percent gray. The introduction of color monitors for personal computers led to non-patterned, single-color backgrounds and then to arbitrary 'wallpapers'.
Wallpaper styles are as varied as people themselves, using photographs, drawings, 3D renders or abstract pattern with complex gradients. It can be useful to have plain areas so that icons can be clearly seen atop the wallpaper.
Typical categories can include cars, models and celebrities, scenery, abstract art, movies, pets, family, symmetry, and personal photos. In business use, corporate logos or plain backgrounds are often specified by the companies' guidelines.
When using rack mounted computers through a KVM switch, it can often be useful to create a wallpaper with the computer's name on it, to easily identify which computer the user is connected to. System themes are often distributed with a background image that fits the style of the theme.
Some operating environments (e.g. KDE and Mac OS X) allow a number of different wallpapers to be used, and "rotated" to display a different wallpaper at different times, to display a random image from a directory. If the facility is not available in the OS's wallpaper settings, it may be possible to get an external program which can change the wallpaper at certain times. Microsoft Windows 98 and higher allow webpages to be set as frames on the desktop which may be dynamic pages. Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate also has the ability to use a a video as a wallpaper. Users can choose to use their own home videos which loop continuously, or use one already installed.
Certain media players (mplayer) provide the option to output video to the background of X11, making them suitable as engine for animated backgrounds from a wide range of video formats. Programs such as Xplanet and EarthDesk use Internet connections and graphics calculations to change the wallpaper with real data, such as a shadowed view of the earth, the latest cloud or weather map, or various events. Some media players can redirect video playback to desktop, allowing any video to be used as a wallpaper. Macromedia/Adobe Flash animated movies and games can be set as a dynamic interactive background as well. To to that, simply point your desktop background settings to an html file with an embedded flash movie instead of an image.
3D WallPaper Art a website for 3d computer wallpapers, both those created by V. Lancaster, and those sent in by contributors. The site is subscription-based, but a free gallery is also available to non-subscribers. Images in the free gallery are typically older images presented in basic screen resolutions, while the member gallery includes the most recent work as well as a complete archive of all past works. Member gallery images are presented in the full range of resolutions available at the time the images were made. Typical artistic styles include computer-generated planetscapes, fractal terrain, space-scenes, abstract patterns, and human characters.
Many of the 3d wallpapers are available in widescreen and multi monitor formats to accommodate different monitor configurations. There are also wallpapers formatted for the Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP), the iPhone and the Pocket PC.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Free PSP Game Downloads - Can I Really Get It?
The PSP, also known as the Playstation Portable, has been out for a few years and has become the most popular of all hand held game systems. This is mainly because there are so many things you can do with the PSP. You can watch movies, play games, listen to MP3s, watch MP4s and even search the Internet. You have two options for playing games on your PSP, you can either buy every game that you want at full price or you can download them for free off the Internet.
Many people prefer to get their games and anything else they may want by downloading them for free off the Internet. However, most people find it quite difficult to find free PSP game downloads that are legal and do not come with harmful viruses and spyware attached. If you notice while looking around for free PSP game downloads you will come up with a few options.
The first option is that you can get absolutely free PSP game downloads without any kind of fee. This is can be the worst option to choose not only because it is illegal but also because the files are usually slow to download and they come with harmful files attached. Sometimes you will not even get what you thought you were getting in the first place. Many free shareware programs or sites that you can get downloads for free will have "other" files listed as something totally different from what you want.
Your second option is not free at all however, it will most likely be cheaper than buying the games out right but you will still pay per game and it can get quite expensive in the long run. Many of these sites will not only ask you to pay per download but you may also end up paying a monthly membership fee to even access their database. This is not the cheapest option but at least more often than not you will not be getting free PSP game downloads with harmful files attached.
Your third option is the best; at least that is my opinion anyway. With this option you can sign up for a membership, paying only a one time membership fee, to have access to a huge data base of free PSP game downloads and much, much more. There are many of these membership sites out there that would be a great choice for downloading games. Not only do most membership sites have a ton of games but they also have music, movies, themes, backgrounds and more.
As you can see there are a few options for getting what. Although you will not find a site that you can get completely free downloads that are completely legal you have other options for getting free PSP game downloads. Your best option to get the games you want for free would be to go to a membership sit, register, pay the registration fee and download whatever you want for the rest of the time you are a member
Many people prefer to get their games and anything else they may want by downloading them for free off the Internet. However, most people find it quite difficult to find free PSP game downloads that are legal and do not come with harmful viruses and spyware attached. If you notice while looking around for free PSP game downloads you will come up with a few options.
The first option is that you can get absolutely free PSP game downloads without any kind of fee. This is can be the worst option to choose not only because it is illegal but also because the files are usually slow to download and they come with harmful files attached. Sometimes you will not even get what you thought you were getting in the first place. Many free shareware programs or sites that you can get downloads for free will have "other" files listed as something totally different from what you want.
Your second option is not free at all however, it will most likely be cheaper than buying the games out right but you will still pay per game and it can get quite expensive in the long run. Many of these sites will not only ask you to pay per download but you may also end up paying a monthly membership fee to even access their database. This is not the cheapest option but at least more often than not you will not be getting free PSP game downloads with harmful files attached.
Your third option is the best; at least that is my opinion anyway. With this option you can sign up for a membership, paying only a one time membership fee, to have access to a huge data base of free PSP game downloads and much, much more. There are many of these membership sites out there that would be a great choice for downloading games. Not only do most membership sites have a ton of games but they also have music, movies, themes, backgrounds and more.
As you can see there are a few options for getting what. Although you will not find a site that you can get completely free downloads that are completely legal you have other options for getting free PSP game downloads. Your best option to get the games you want for free would be to go to a membership sit, register, pay the registration fee and download whatever you want for the rest of the time you are a member
Psp Games - Enjoy the Ultimate Gaming
The Play Station Portable which is formally known as PSP is a hand-held gaming console which is manufactured by Sony Computer Entertainment. The sophisticated gaming console is exploding popularity since it's launch.
Several Play Station games have been released so far. The games can also be downloaded and played on the PSP via emulation. Currently, two official ways to access this feature is through the PC or through the Play Station Network service. The demos for commercial PSP games can be downloaded and booted directly from a Memory Stick. These demo contents are also sometimes issued in UMD format and mailed out to customers at various retail outlets as promotional content.
The most popular and best selling contemporary PSP games are Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories , Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII , Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: The Phantom Fortress, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Monster Hunter Freedom 2, Patapon, Daxter, Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops etc.
Among these games two most popular games are the 'Grand Theft Auto' and the 'Crisis Core'. The 'Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories' game is set in Liberty City. The game first comes in the year 1998, three years before the events of GTA III. Toni Cipriani is fresh back in the city after lying low for several years, having offered a made man as a favour for Don Salvatore Leone. On the other side, the 'Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII' has action- and menu-based elements. The new battle system which is used in this game is known as Digital Mind Wave.
Internet is the best way to download free games for PSP. There are thousands of websites out there which allows downloading free games. Apart from games one will also able to download other PSP stuff like music, themes, movies and wallpapers.
So. what are you waiting for? Are a really conscious about gaming and wants a highly sophisticated and high-end gaming console games, which will affordable too then the PSP Games are just for you.
Several Play Station games have been released so far. The games can also be downloaded and played on the PSP via emulation. Currently, two official ways to access this feature is through the PC or through the Play Station Network service. The demos for commercial PSP games can be downloaded and booted directly from a Memory Stick. These demo contents are also sometimes issued in UMD format and mailed out to customers at various retail outlets as promotional content.
The most popular and best selling contemporary PSP games are Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories , Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII , Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: The Phantom Fortress, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, Monster Hunter Freedom 2, Patapon, Daxter, Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops etc.
Among these games two most popular games are the 'Grand Theft Auto' and the 'Crisis Core'. The 'Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories' game is set in Liberty City. The game first comes in the year 1998, three years before the events of GTA III. Toni Cipriani is fresh back in the city after lying low for several years, having offered a made man as a favour for Don Salvatore Leone. On the other side, the 'Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII' has action- and menu-based elements. The new battle system which is used in this game is known as Digital Mind Wave.
Internet is the best way to download free games for PSP. There are thousands of websites out there which allows downloading free games. Apart from games one will also able to download other PSP stuff like music, themes, movies and wallpapers.
So. what are you waiting for? Are a really conscious about gaming and wants a highly sophisticated and high-end gaming console games, which will affordable too then the PSP Games are just for you.
Download Free Psp Wallpaper
So you are hoping to download free PSP wallpaper? Here, you will find exactly what you need to help you. Sony’s PSP is an incredibly popular, and useful, piece of technology, and you can make your PSP unique by having original wallpaper.
If you want to download free PSP wallpaper, the first place you think of is the Sony website, On this site there are many different media and downloads, including wallpapers and music videos. You will find this a very good starting point to download free PSP wallpaper. A large number of the wallpapers there are themed on some of the better known games, and also some well known music artists/movies. There is no shortage of free PSP wallpaper to download, you will find a lot of different types to choose from.
There are many places other than the Sony site where you can download free PSP wallpapers. You will, if you do an internet search, find thousands of possibilities! Use your favourite search engine to browse through and find a site you like. Just use due care and attention as you always should with the internet, to avoid sites teeming with pop up ads and adware.
My own favourite way to find and download free PSP wallpaper is by using a good PSP forum. If you search past threads and find other people who were looking for wallpapers, you will usually find some interesting links. Often the members of the forum will have discovered some of the best resources available, saving you the trouble of having to use a search engine to find what you need.
Finally, there is a way to come up with some unique free download PSP wallpaper. If you can come up with your own concept of a wallpaper you would like to have, but you can't design it on your own using Photoshop, why not outsource the job to another designer? A lot of designers that frequent the PSP forums are delighted to have their work showcased like this. Contact them and find out if they are prepared to help you. If you don't want to work with a designer from a forum, check out designers are found in large quantities there, all bidding for hire. You won't have to pay a fortune to get something as simple as a PSP wallpaper done, and if the result warrants it, you could try to sell it to other PSP fans to try to make some extra money!
You will find that it is not difficult to download free PSP wallpaper as soon as you have found the right place, so have a go and see what you can do!
If you want to download free PSP wallpaper, the first place you think of is the Sony website, On this site there are many different media and downloads, including wallpapers and music videos. You will find this a very good starting point to download free PSP wallpaper. A large number of the wallpapers there are themed on some of the better known games, and also some well known music artists/movies. There is no shortage of free PSP wallpaper to download, you will find a lot of different types to choose from.
There are many places other than the Sony site where you can download free PSP wallpapers. You will, if you do an internet search, find thousands of possibilities! Use your favourite search engine to browse through and find a site you like. Just use due care and attention as you always should with the internet, to avoid sites teeming with pop up ads and adware.
My own favourite way to find and download free PSP wallpaper is by using a good PSP forum. If you search past threads and find other people who were looking for wallpapers, you will usually find some interesting links. Often the members of the forum will have discovered some of the best resources available, saving you the trouble of having to use a search engine to find what you need.
Finally, there is a way to come up with some unique free download PSP wallpaper. If you can come up with your own concept of a wallpaper you would like to have, but you can't design it on your own using Photoshop, why not outsource the job to another designer? A lot of designers that frequent the PSP forums are delighted to have their work showcased like this. Contact them and find out if they are prepared to help you. If you don't want to work with a designer from a forum, check out designers are found in large quantities there, all bidding for hire. You won't have to pay a fortune to get something as simple as a PSP wallpaper done, and if the result warrants it, you could try to sell it to other PSP fans to try to make some extra money!
You will find that it is not difficult to download free PSP wallpaper as soon as you have found the right place, so have a go and see what you can do!
The Easy Way To Transfer Games To Your PSP
It is not necessary to give special introduction about PSP. It is the by far the most versatile handy piece of highly revolutionized equipment that goes far beyond a portable video game. If you have used your PSP for some time then you must have probably known about the various games and softwares that are readily available for you to use with your PSP. Most of these games are come on a small UMD discs that can be taken around easily. But if you were suppose to invest in every new game that releases, your hard earned money would mount up soon! Pretty nervous isn't it. The amazing thing is that the PSP also has memory sticks that you can use to store games on it. So what is the easy way to download games onto your psp from your computer? I have created the following guide for psp users those who are having less technical skills to install new games on to the psp.
Here is the systematic Step-By-Step guide Step #1 The first thing you will need is PSP memory stick with sufficient memory to store high quality games with superior graphics and sound. If you can find around 1-8 GB memory stick then you can download multiple games on to your PSP. Don't forget to format the PSP Memory stick in case if you have brand new one. Side Note: You must make sure your PSP firmware is 1.5 or lesser version before you download games on to your psp
Step #2 Once you have above two things in order, it is time to download PSP games from the internet to your computer. It is obvious reason that many PSP users are looking to save some money are looking internet to find free sources where they can download games on to psp. But the most of the PSP game sites that are claimed to be good is not always best sites; many of them are just simply garbage. You will find a lot of them. They do not just offer PSP games, but other PSP things like themes, wallpapers, movie trailers and some times viruses and malwares too. So if you want to save your money, time and your computer consider joining with a reliable PSP Membership site with a small fee. Favorably less than 40 $
Step #3 After you download the PSP games to your PC, all you have to do is transfer those files to your PSP with a USB cable. Once you connect your PSP to your computer you can simply copy and paste the games files to your PSP. Isn't that simple? You have to make sure that you copy the PSP games file on to the correct directory in your PSP in order to make the downloadable game work perfectly. Other wise the game will not will not work.
Step #4 After you transferred the games to your PSP you need to disconnect it from your PC. Then navigate the "GAME" option in the PSP and select the memory stick option. Then press X button in the PSP in order to list down your newly transferred PSP games appears on your screen. Congratulations, you have just finished download games on to your PSP, now all you have to do is enjoy...
By the way did you know that PSX Games or Playstation 1 Games also possible to download and played form your normal PSP without any quality loss whatsoever? These PSX games also can be played directly from your PSP memory stick. There are lots of PSX Games information's available. But all can't be given in this article, there fore I recommend you to visit my Squidoo lens below where you will be able find all necessary information's you required
Here is the systematic Step-By-Step guide Step #1 The first thing you will need is PSP memory stick with sufficient memory to store high quality games with superior graphics and sound. If you can find around 1-8 GB memory stick then you can download multiple games on to your PSP. Don't forget to format the PSP Memory stick in case if you have brand new one. Side Note: You must make sure your PSP firmware is 1.5 or lesser version before you download games on to your psp
Step #2 Once you have above two things in order, it is time to download PSP games from the internet to your computer. It is obvious reason that many PSP users are looking to save some money are looking internet to find free sources where they can download games on to psp. But the most of the PSP game sites that are claimed to be good is not always best sites; many of them are just simply garbage. You will find a lot of them. They do not just offer PSP games, but other PSP things like themes, wallpapers, movie trailers and some times viruses and malwares too. So if you want to save your money, time and your computer consider joining with a reliable PSP Membership site with a small fee. Favorably less than 40 $
Step #3 After you download the PSP games to your PC, all you have to do is transfer those files to your PSP with a USB cable. Once you connect your PSP to your computer you can simply copy and paste the games files to your PSP. Isn't that simple? You have to make sure that you copy the PSP games file on to the correct directory in your PSP in order to make the downloadable game work perfectly. Other wise the game will not will not work.
Step #4 After you transferred the games to your PSP you need to disconnect it from your PC. Then navigate the "GAME" option in the PSP and select the memory stick option. Then press X button in the PSP in order to list down your newly transferred PSP games appears on your screen. Congratulations, you have just finished download games on to your PSP, now all you have to do is enjoy...
By the way did you know that PSX Games or Playstation 1 Games also possible to download and played form your normal PSP without any quality loss whatsoever? These PSX games also can be played directly from your PSP memory stick. There are lots of PSX Games information's available. But all can't be given in this article, there fore I recommend you to visit my Squidoo lens below where you will be able find all necessary information's you required
Cheap Psp Games: Most Popular Video Games
The Sony PSP games are amazing handheld video gaming devices. Downloading these games is easy. There is one time membership fee. You can find a variety of PSP software emulators online which allow you to play old console games. Some of the popular songs include Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, Game Boy Advance, etc. The PSP has cool graphics allowing you to enjoy sport games. If you have a reliable internet site, it becomes easy to get PSP games.
The popularity of PSP games is soaring day by day. There are various websites that let you download free games and other PSP stuff like wallpapers, movies, themes and music. Once you start to download free PSP games, you will get a variety of options. Browse for different websites that offer free PSP game downloads. To get free downloads, you need to pay the monthly membership and download fee. The PSP console is undoubtedly the best gaming device because of its astounding gaming abilities. If you are looking forward to saving money, find a website by searching on the internet and download free PSP games. Though you will have to pay upfront, you would get a big selection of games at a much faster download speed. Moreover, you can also save your hard earned money. These websites give you access to various PSP files like movies, themes, musicals and much more.
Take the membership of a website and download good quality games online which can be cheap. You can get thousands of free music download websites over the internet. If you are not sure that they are safe or really free, you can check for the pop ups which can be adwares. You can get many websites that offer free games to download. But they allow you to download a number of games per week, month or year. The PSP games are well-known for being able to play video games, music and lots more. There are websites that offer free games downloads and have tons of pop-ups. So you need to take care that your computer does not get infected by spywares and adwares.
The amazing gadget, PSP gaming device offers an enjoyable gaming experience. You need to know where you can get cheap PSP video games. Of course, you would like to buy and play the latest PSP games. If you purchase those games online, you may have to spend a fortune to download the latest games. But with just a minimal one time fee, you can get access to unlimited download of games. So, it is true that you can buy cheap PSP games online. Find action games, sports games, puzzles games in addition to movies, music, TV shows, themes, etc. It has become the best selling gaming device and people are appreciating it all over the world. The “free PSP downloads" would sound good but there are few things you need to keep in mind before you click on the "download" button. You need to be careful before you download something as there are websites that spread viruses and spywares which may damage your computer.
Keep your PSP loaded with the newest games so that you don’t have to get bored anytime. After signing up a website for getting free downloads, you can download music movies, free PSP video games with high download speed.
The Sony PlayStation Portable gaming system has become well accepted by the people. The advanced gaming capabilities give you an exciting gaming experience. The best part is you can easily access the newly released games and movies. The ease of use and fast download speed makes it easy to download PSP games. The popular games include Sims, Harry Porter, Armored Core, etc. Always check that you have chosen full money back guarantee option with the PSP download service. So if you are not fully satisfied, you can quickly have your money refund
The popularity of PSP games is soaring day by day. There are various websites that let you download free games and other PSP stuff like wallpapers, movies, themes and music. Once you start to download free PSP games, you will get a variety of options. Browse for different websites that offer free PSP game downloads. To get free downloads, you need to pay the monthly membership and download fee. The PSP console is undoubtedly the best gaming device because of its astounding gaming abilities. If you are looking forward to saving money, find a website by searching on the internet and download free PSP games. Though you will have to pay upfront, you would get a big selection of games at a much faster download speed. Moreover, you can also save your hard earned money. These websites give you access to various PSP files like movies, themes, musicals and much more.
Take the membership of a website and download good quality games online which can be cheap. You can get thousands of free music download websites over the internet. If you are not sure that they are safe or really free, you can check for the pop ups which can be adwares. You can get many websites that offer free games to download. But they allow you to download a number of games per week, month or year. The PSP games are well-known for being able to play video games, music and lots more. There are websites that offer free games downloads and have tons of pop-ups. So you need to take care that your computer does not get infected by spywares and adwares.
The amazing gadget, PSP gaming device offers an enjoyable gaming experience. You need to know where you can get cheap PSP video games. Of course, you would like to buy and play the latest PSP games. If you purchase those games online, you may have to spend a fortune to download the latest games. But with just a minimal one time fee, you can get access to unlimited download of games. So, it is true that you can buy cheap PSP games online. Find action games, sports games, puzzles games in addition to movies, music, TV shows, themes, etc. It has become the best selling gaming device and people are appreciating it all over the world. The “free PSP downloads" would sound good but there are few things you need to keep in mind before you click on the "download" button. You need to be careful before you download something as there are websites that spread viruses and spywares which may damage your computer.
Keep your PSP loaded with the newest games so that you don’t have to get bored anytime. After signing up a website for getting free downloads, you can download music movies, free PSP video games with high download speed.
The Sony PlayStation Portable gaming system has become well accepted by the people. The advanced gaming capabilities give you an exciting gaming experience. The best part is you can easily access the newly released games and movies. The ease of use and fast download speed makes it easy to download PSP games. The popular games include Sims, Harry Porter, Armored Core, etc. Always check that you have chosen full money back guarantee option with the PSP download service. So if you are not fully satisfied, you can quickly have your money refund
How to Take Photos of What’s on your Psp
PSP is multi-featured handheld device. You can’t just play games but you can also play music and video and run various applications with it. PlayStation Portable's audio player supports a number of audio codecs, including ATRAC, AAC, MP3, and WMA, and has the option to be played with or without a set of five visualizations. The image viewer will display several common image formats including JPEG, Bitmap, and PNG. MPEG-4 and AVC video formats are also compatible with PlayStation Portable.
PSP is a powerful device not just because of these features but also because you can customize your PSP with your own style. You can change its looks, background, buttons, icons and themes. And with the PSP’s popularity, there are many sites out there that compare and share various PSP customizations. This is possible by using an application that allows you to take photos of what’s on your PSP. More like a screenshot in computer terms. You can’t just share your customized background and themes; you can also take screenshots of your favorite game. How to do this?
Well, here’s a short guide that would get your starting:
1- Download the attachment:
3.30 OE-A most compatible
2- Extract the zipped file
3- Inside the folder you can see various files, copy capture.prx and capture.ini to your psp's "Seplugins" folder (if it doesn't exist just make a new folder on the root of the PSP called "seplugins" without the
4- Open vsh.txt or if it doesn't exist, create it by using any text editor and write the following line: ms0:/seplugins/capture.prx If VSH.txt already exist then just add it after the last line
5- repeat step 4 but name the file game.txt and pops.txt (For taking screenshots in a game)
6- Turn off your PSP and switch it back on while pressing R to enter recovery mode
7- Go to plugins and activate all "capture.prx" plugins
8- Exit the recovery menu and Press the note button to take screenshots and L+note button to make an animated gif out of it (to stop press note again)
9- copy __SCE__SVCPlayer and %__SCE__SVCPlayer to your psp at X:PSPgame150(Where X is the drive of your PSP on your PC)
10- After recording a movie, open svc player and you can watch it there
Here is the summary of controls that you will use:
Music Button = Take Screen shot / Stop Recording Video
Right Shoulder Button + Music Button = Start Recording Video
Right Shoulder Button + Left Shoulder Button + Music Button = Start Recording "Advanced Video Mode"
All screenshots will be saved in X:PSPPHOTO in BMP format. With this, you can now express yourself by sharing your customized PSP and your favorite games. These just conclude that PSP is not only for gaming and
multimedia use but with ingenuity; it can also be a source of art
PSP is a powerful device not just because of these features but also because you can customize your PSP with your own style. You can change its looks, background, buttons, icons and themes. And with the PSP’s popularity, there are many sites out there that compare and share various PSP customizations. This is possible by using an application that allows you to take photos of what’s on your PSP. More like a screenshot in computer terms. You can’t just share your customized background and themes; you can also take screenshots of your favorite game. How to do this?
Well, here’s a short guide that would get your starting:
1- Download the attachment:
3.30 OE-A most compatible
2- Extract the zipped file
3- Inside the folder you can see various files, copy capture.prx and capture.ini to your psp's "Seplugins" folder (if it doesn't exist just make a new folder on the root of the PSP called "seplugins" without the
4- Open vsh.txt or if it doesn't exist, create it by using any text editor and write the following line: ms0:/seplugins/capture.prx If VSH.txt already exist then just add it after the last line
5- repeat step 4 but name the file game.txt and pops.txt (For taking screenshots in a game)
6- Turn off your PSP and switch it back on while pressing R to enter recovery mode
7- Go to plugins and activate all "capture.prx" plugins
8- Exit the recovery menu and Press the note button to take screenshots and L+note button to make an animated gif out of it (to stop press note again)
9- copy __SCE__SVCPlayer and %__SCE__SVCPlayer to your psp at X:PSPgame150(Where X is the drive of your PSP on your PC)
10- After recording a movie, open svc player and you can watch it there
Here is the summary of controls that you will use:
Music Button = Take Screen shot / Stop Recording Video
Right Shoulder Button + Music Button = Start Recording Video
Right Shoulder Button + Left Shoulder Button + Music Button = Start Recording "Advanced Video Mode"
All screenshots will be saved in X:PSPPHOTO in BMP format. With this, you can now express yourself by sharing your customized PSP and your favorite games. These just conclude that PSP is not only for gaming and
multimedia use but with ingenuity; it can also be a source of art
Themes for the Psp - Customize Your Psp
Are you looking to customize your PSP with free themes? Almost everyone wants to customize their PSP with themes, wallpapers, and skins. Themes allow you to give your PSP a unique personality. In fact, customizing your PSP is a lot like customizing your PC's wallpaper.
One of the best ways to find free PSP themes is to simply go to Google and type in "free PSP themes". There are thousands of sites offering free PSP downloads.
You can also search forums and newsgroups. These are great places to find custom-made PSP Themes. Community sites like DeviantArt have an amazing collection of PSP themes made by the site's members.
Or, if you really want to get creative, why not just open up the graphics program on your computer and design your own custom theme. As long as you save it as a JPEG file, it should be compatible.
There are a few things you should watch out for when looking for PSP themes.
First, stay away form the Sony PSP site. A lot of people think this is the best place to go, but in reality you won't find many original themes here. Most of the themes are pretty old and have already been downloaded thousands of times. They do have quite a few good themes, but if you're looking for something unique, this is not the place to go.
Also be sure and stay away from the torrent sites. They are full of spyware, adware, and corrupted files. Plus, torrent sites put your computer at risk of leaking personal information. I'd avoid these sites at all costs.
If you'd like to download lots of Free PSP themes along with unlimited access to millions of downloadable PSP games, movies, music, and tv shows, you'll want to sign up for a PSP membership site...
One of the best ways to find free PSP themes is to simply go to Google and type in "free PSP themes". There are thousands of sites offering free PSP downloads.
You can also search forums and newsgroups. These are great places to find custom-made PSP Themes. Community sites like DeviantArt have an amazing collection of PSP themes made by the site's members.
Or, if you really want to get creative, why not just open up the graphics program on your computer and design your own custom theme. As long as you save it as a JPEG file, it should be compatible.
There are a few things you should watch out for when looking for PSP themes.
First, stay away form the Sony PSP site. A lot of people think this is the best place to go, but in reality you won't find many original themes here. Most of the themes are pretty old and have already been downloaded thousands of times. They do have quite a few good themes, but if you're looking for something unique, this is not the place to go.
Also be sure and stay away from the torrent sites. They are full of spyware, adware, and corrupted files. Plus, torrent sites put your computer at risk of leaking personal information. I'd avoid these sites at all costs.
If you'd like to download lots of Free PSP themes along with unlimited access to millions of downloadable PSP games, movies, music, and tv shows, you'll want to sign up for a PSP membership site...
Themes for the Psp - Customize Your Psp
Are you looking to customize your PSP with free themes? Almost everyone wants to customize their PSP with themes, wallpapers, and skins. Themes allow you to give your PSP a unique personality. In fact, customizing your PSP is a lot like customizing your PC's wallpaper.
One of the best ways to find free PSP themes is to simply go to Google and type in "free PSP themes". There are thousands of sites offering free PSP downloads.
You can also search forums and newsgroups. These are great places to find custom-made PSP Themes. Community sites like DeviantArt have an amazing collection of PSP themes made by the site's members.
Or, if you really want to get creative, why not just open up the graphics program on your computer and design your own custom theme. As long as you save it as a JPEG file, it should be compatible.
There are a few things you should watch out for when looking for PSP themes.
First, stay away form the Sony PSP site. A lot of people think this is the best place to go, but in reality you won't find many original themes here. Most of the themes are pretty old and have already been downloaded thousands of times. They do have quite a few good themes, but if you're looking for something unique, this is not the place to go.
Also be sure and stay away from the torrent sites. They are full of spyware, adware, and corrupted files. Plus, torrent sites put your computer at risk of leaking personal information. I'd avoid these sites at all costs.
If you'd like to download lots of Free PSP themes along with unlimited access to millions of downloadable PSP games, movies, music, and tv shows, you'll want to sign up for a PSP membership site...
One of the best ways to find free PSP themes is to simply go to Google and type in "free PSP themes". There are thousands of sites offering free PSP downloads.
You can also search forums and newsgroups. These are great places to find custom-made PSP Themes. Community sites like DeviantArt have an amazing collection of PSP themes made by the site's members.
Or, if you really want to get creative, why not just open up the graphics program on your computer and design your own custom theme. As long as you save it as a JPEG file, it should be compatible.
There are a few things you should watch out for when looking for PSP themes.
First, stay away form the Sony PSP site. A lot of people think this is the best place to go, but in reality you won't find many original themes here. Most of the themes are pretty old and have already been downloaded thousands of times. They do have quite a few good themes, but if you're looking for something unique, this is not the place to go.
Also be sure and stay away from the torrent sites. They are full of spyware, adware, and corrupted files. Plus, torrent sites put your computer at risk of leaking personal information. I'd avoid these sites at all costs.
If you'd like to download lots of Free PSP themes along with unlimited access to millions of downloadable PSP games, movies, music, and tv shows, you'll want to sign up for a PSP membership site...
Themes for the Psp - Customize Your Psp
Are you looking to customize your PSP with free themes? Almost everyone wants to customize their PSP with themes, wallpapers, and skins. Themes allow you to give your PSP a unique personality. In fact, customizing your PSP is a lot like customizing your PC's wallpaper.
One of the best ways to find free PSP themes is to simply go to Google and type in "free PSP themes". There are thousands of sites offering free PSP downloads.
You can also search forums and newsgroups. These are great places to find custom-made PSP Themes. Community sites like DeviantArt have an amazing collection of PSP themes made by the site's members.
Or, if you really want to get creative, why not just open up the graphics program on your computer and design your own custom theme. As long as you save it as a JPEG file, it should be compatible.
There are a few things you should watch out for when looking for PSP themes.
First, stay away form the Sony PSP site. A lot of people think this is the best place to go, but in reality you won't find many original themes here. Most of the themes are pretty old and have already been downloaded thousands of times. They do have quite a few good themes, but if you're looking for something unique, this is not the place to go.
Also be sure and stay away from the torrent sites. They are full of spyware, adware, and corrupted files. Plus, torrent sites put your computer at risk of leaking personal information. I'd avoid these sites at all costs.
If you'd like to download lots of Free PSP themes along with unlimited access to millions of downloadable PSP games, movies, music, and tv shows, you'll want to sign up for a PSP membership site...
One of the best ways to find free PSP themes is to simply go to Google and type in "free PSP themes". There are thousands of sites offering free PSP downloads.
You can also search forums and newsgroups. These are great places to find custom-made PSP Themes. Community sites like DeviantArt have an amazing collection of PSP themes made by the site's members.
Or, if you really want to get creative, why not just open up the graphics program on your computer and design your own custom theme. As long as you save it as a JPEG file, it should be compatible.
There are a few things you should watch out for when looking for PSP themes.
First, stay away form the Sony PSP site. A lot of people think this is the best place to go, but in reality you won't find many original themes here. Most of the themes are pretty old and have already been downloaded thousands of times. They do have quite a few good themes, but if you're looking for something unique, this is not the place to go.
Also be sure and stay away from the torrent sites. They are full of spyware, adware, and corrupted files. Plus, torrent sites put your computer at risk of leaking personal information. I'd avoid these sites at all costs.
If you'd like to download lots of Free PSP themes along with unlimited access to millions of downloadable PSP games, movies, music, and tv shows, you'll want to sign up for a PSP membership site...
Download Free PSP Themes
You would probably like to download a free PSP theme. Virtually all PSP users do. The PSP has become an incredibly well known, and well loved, machine, and part of that is the flexibility it affords its users. Ipod socks are totally superfluous when you have the freedom to choose the exact way your PSP looks and behaves!
Download A Free PSP Theme Tip 1-Don't use the main Sony site!
A lot of people never bother to look beyond the main Sony Playstation website when they are looking for themes for their PSP. It is virtually impossible to find a unique PSP Theme if you are downloading it from the same place as everybody else. Although there is no shortage of themes to choose from on the main site, there are a lot of people choosing them. Look somewhere else!
Download A Free PSP Theme Tip 2- Do an internet search
A lot of people will use the main search engines to find out how to download a free PSP theme, but use a bit of clever thinking, and you can get what you want. Instead of doing a direct search engine search for themes, look for PSP communities on the internet? Try to see if you can find some forums or newsgroups. This can be a really useful source of resources, sometimes from members of the forum, and sometimes just from threads. You can find custom-made PSP Themes on these dedicated forums.
Download A Free PSP Theme Tip 3- Don’t use a download!
You can try using one of the simple art programs on your computer to design your own original Theme. Virtually any of the simple art programs will allow you to produce a simple wallpaper, and this should be compatible with your PSP as long as you create it as a JPEG file. Another possibility is to get someone who is good with art to actually design a theme for you. You can find a PSP forum which has some decent Themes, and ask whoever designed the themes you like the best if they will create one for you. Often they will be happy to do it, although they may charge you a little for doing the job.
You can do a lot more with downloading free PSP Themes than just following everybody else with EA games wallpapers etc from the official Sony site. Be original, and you will enjoy your PSP more!
Download A Free PSP Theme Tip 1-Don't use the main Sony site!
A lot of people never bother to look beyond the main Sony Playstation website when they are looking for themes for their PSP. It is virtually impossible to find a unique PSP Theme if you are downloading it from the same place as everybody else. Although there is no shortage of themes to choose from on the main site, there are a lot of people choosing them. Look somewhere else!
Download A Free PSP Theme Tip 2- Do an internet search
A lot of people will use the main search engines to find out how to download a free PSP theme, but use a bit of clever thinking, and you can get what you want. Instead of doing a direct search engine search for themes, look for PSP communities on the internet? Try to see if you can find some forums or newsgroups. This can be a really useful source of resources, sometimes from members of the forum, and sometimes just from threads. You can find custom-made PSP Themes on these dedicated forums.
Download A Free PSP Theme Tip 3- Don’t use a download!
You can try using one of the simple art programs on your computer to design your own original Theme. Virtually any of the simple art programs will allow you to produce a simple wallpaper, and this should be compatible with your PSP as long as you create it as a JPEG file. Another possibility is to get someone who is good with art to actually design a theme for you. You can find a PSP forum which has some decent Themes, and ask whoever designed the themes you like the best if they will create one for you. Often they will be happy to do it, although they may charge you a little for doing the job.
You can do a lot more with downloading free PSP Themes than just following everybody else with EA games wallpapers etc from the official Sony site. Be original, and you will enjoy your PSP more!
Free PSP Themes - An FAQ
So many people own PSP game consoles today that they many are looking for ways to make theirs look unique. One great way to do this is to download a theme for your PSP. This is a smart way to customize your unit and make it show off your style.
Here is an FAQ about downloading free PSP themes.
FAQ #1: What is a PSP theme?
A: A PSP theme is the overall look and feel of the screen of your PSP unit. It mainly includes two items: wallpaper and icon styles. There are thousands of themes available for your PSP unit. With all of these choices and being that themes are so easy to get, most people do not want to settle for staying with the theme color choices that came with the PSP console when they purchased it.
FAQ #2: Why would I want one?
A: The PSP console follows in a long line of cool consumer goods over the past few decades that were designed to for hip young people (or hip anybody) to buy - and use the heck out of - including: skateboards, surfboards, Walkmans, home video game systems, pagers, mobile phones and iPods. Just like all of these other mega-popular items, PSP consoles are even more appealing when users can customize them in some way. Downloading a fresh new theme for your PSP unit is another way to show your own style and uniqueness via an item that you love to use.
FAQ #3: Do I have to pay for a new theme?
A: No! You can find themes for free on the Internet. One of the best ways to do this is to subscribe to any number of online PSP download Web sites, where you can find not only free themes, but also free games, music, and videos for your PSP unit. Of course, you pay a low, one-time fee, but then you are literally set for life. All available existing themes, as well as new ones that will be created sometime in the future, can be downloaded directly from these sites.
FAQ #4: Can I build my own theme?
A: Yes! For example, Sony has released its own PSP Theme Creation Utility software. It is free to use and it lets you customize your own themes and icons. You can find the software by searching for it on Google. Before you go this route, realize that unless you are personally a gifted designer or just want a relatively plain and simple theme for your console, it is hard to compete with some of the mind-blowing themes available from professional designers. Still, it is definitely worth checking out the free Sony software.
FAQ #5: How do I change the theme on my PSP console?
A: Once you have downloaded a new theme or created your own, you will need to go through the process of transferring the theme to your PSP console. From a high-level view, the process involves: 1. downloading or creating the theme; 2. finding the proper theme folder on your computer; and 3. initiating the transfer from your PSP unit. You can find some great tutorial videos for this process on YouTube.
Your PSP console is like a portable entertainment mega-center, offering videos, music, and games. Now, you can make it even cooler by having fun changing up your theme now and then so that you can better match your own style.
Here is an FAQ about downloading free PSP themes.
FAQ #1: What is a PSP theme?
A: A PSP theme is the overall look and feel of the screen of your PSP unit. It mainly includes two items: wallpaper and icon styles. There are thousands of themes available for your PSP unit. With all of these choices and being that themes are so easy to get, most people do not want to settle for staying with the theme color choices that came with the PSP console when they purchased it.
FAQ #2: Why would I want one?
A: The PSP console follows in a long line of cool consumer goods over the past few decades that were designed to for hip young people (or hip anybody) to buy - and use the heck out of - including: skateboards, surfboards, Walkmans, home video game systems, pagers, mobile phones and iPods. Just like all of these other mega-popular items, PSP consoles are even more appealing when users can customize them in some way. Downloading a fresh new theme for your PSP unit is another way to show your own style and uniqueness via an item that you love to use.
FAQ #3: Do I have to pay for a new theme?
A: No! You can find themes for free on the Internet. One of the best ways to do this is to subscribe to any number of online PSP download Web sites, where you can find not only free themes, but also free games, music, and videos for your PSP unit. Of course, you pay a low, one-time fee, but then you are literally set for life. All available existing themes, as well as new ones that will be created sometime in the future, can be downloaded directly from these sites.
FAQ #4: Can I build my own theme?
A: Yes! For example, Sony has released its own PSP Theme Creation Utility software. It is free to use and it lets you customize your own themes and icons. You can find the software by searching for it on Google. Before you go this route, realize that unless you are personally a gifted designer or just want a relatively plain and simple theme for your console, it is hard to compete with some of the mind-blowing themes available from professional designers. Still, it is definitely worth checking out the free Sony software.
FAQ #5: How do I change the theme on my PSP console?
A: Once you have downloaded a new theme or created your own, you will need to go through the process of transferring the theme to your PSP console. From a high-level view, the process involves: 1. downloading or creating the theme; 2. finding the proper theme folder on your computer; and 3. initiating the transfer from your PSP unit. You can find some great tutorial videos for this process on YouTube.
Your PSP console is like a portable entertainment mega-center, offering videos, music, and games. Now, you can make it even cooler by having fun changing up your theme now and then so that you can better match your own style.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Download Free PSP Themes
You would probably like to download a free PSP theme. Virtually all PSP users do. The PSP has become an incredibly well known, and well loved, machine, and part of that is the flexibility it affords its users. Ipod socks are totally superfluous when you have the freedom to choose the exact way your PSP looks and behaves!Download A Free PSP Theme Tip 1-Don't use the main Sony site!A lot of people never bother to look beyond the main Sony Playstation website when they are looking for themes for their PSP. It is virtually impossible to find a unique PSP Theme if you are downloading it from the same place as everybody else. Although there is no shortage of themes to choose from on the main site, there are a lot of people choosing them. Look somewhere else!Download A Free PSP Theme Tip 2- Do an internet searchA lot of people will use the main search engines to find out how to download a free PSP theme, but use a bit of clever thinking, and you can get what you want. Instead of doing a direct search engine search for themes, look for PSP communities on the internet? Try to see if you can find some forums or newsgroups. This can be a really useful source of resources, sometimes from members of the forum, and sometimes just from threads. You can find custom-made PSP Themes on these dedicated forums.Download A Free PSP Theme Tip 3- Don’t use a download!You can try using one of the simple art programs on your computer to design your own original Theme. Virtually any of the simple art programs will allow you to produce a simple wallpaper, and this should be compatible with your PSP as long as you create it as a JPEG file. Another possibility is to get someone who is good with art to actually design a theme for you. You can find a PSP forum which has some decent Themes, and ask whoever designed the themes you like the best if they will create one for you. Often they will be happy to do it, although they may charge you a little for doing the job.You can do a lot more with downloading free PSP Themes than just following everybody else with EA games wallpapers etc from the official Sony site. Be original, and you will enjoy your PSP more!
Author: Robert
Author: Robert
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